6 Simple Ways To Grow Your Business

By Asiphile Qulu · Jul 18, 2020
6 Simple Ways To Grow Your Business picture

Lets face it. Growing a business can be very challenging, that is why so many small businesses fail in their early stages of maturing and struggle to anticipate and overcome their growth challenges.

6 Simple Ways To Grow Your Business picture
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Growing a business can be hard. It takes hard work, it means dealing with sales and marketing. It means understanding your customers and involves having to interact with them on a daily basis. But, if you clear your mind and  just look at things in a different perspective you can find ways to grow your business and enable it to reach its full potential.

If you are struggling to grow your business or you've been looking for ways to grow your brand/business, this article is for you. In this article, we will be sharing 6 simple ways to grow your business and take it to the next level.

Here below are the 6 ways that might help you overcome your business growth challenges and enable your business to reach its full potential.

1. Know Your Customer's Needs

Understanding your customer's needs enables you to meet or even exceed their expectations. This allows you to develop and offer products or services that meet your customer's needs. Meeting customer's needs is very important in any business, it brings customer satisfaction and customer loyalty.

2. Add Value

Many people tend to underestimate the power of adding value. In business, adding value in everything you do is of vital importance. When you strive to add value to your product or service, you always ensure that  you go an extra mile when you can. This make your customers to always remember your product or service. Remember, your customers are people. People always remember something that has added value to them. So if you add value, you will always be in their mind and they will keep on coming back to you.

3. Keep existing Customers Happy

Many entrepreneurs and business owners struggle to retain existing customers. Why? Because they haven't master the two first principles which is knowing customer's needs and adding value.

Business does not end with getting customers, it involves keeping them happy. So you must have strategies in place to nurture existing customers and have a good relationship with them. Strategies such as staying in contact with them via an e- newsletter or let them be the first to know when you have special offers or promotional events can work for your business and help you to gain your costumer's trust and loyalty. But remember, this can be hard if you do not know your customer's needs, so first know their needs and add value.

4. Use Social Media

Take advantage of social media. If you use social media in a correct way, you can get new customers and leads to grow your business. 

Today, social media is a very powerful tool to promote your business or brand to potential customers. Social media can help you identify trends that appeal to your target market and enables you to improve where you need to improve. Through social media, you can find out what people are saying about your product, service or business and you can build your business profile and attract new customers.

5. Increase Your Online Visibility

6 Simple Ways To Grow Your Business picture
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The truth is that times are changing and technology is growing each day, we must not take it for granted or underestimate its power because it can do wonders for one.

People all over the world are searching for information online, buying or shopping online more than ever before. So why not take your business to the digital space and reach out to millions of potential customers online?

If you offer a service, you can create a responsive and professional website where people can see your service and book it online. If you sell products, you can develop an eCommerce website (Online Store) where people can easily purchase your products using different range of devices or computers. If you share knowledge and information, you can create a Blog site. I mean in today's world you can do amazing things by just using your finger tips. Isn't that great? I guess it is and it can be great to anyone.

Being visible online allows your business to reach potential customers and also allows your customers to find you online and learn as much as they can about you.

6. Invest In Yourself

Always invest in yourself because your biggest asset is you. Never stop learning. Be open minded and learn new things. You will never know what future holds for you, so never stop learning and developing yourself. There is always new information that one needs to know and another skillset that one needs to master. So! if you own a business, sell products or offer services, you are definitely that person.

There you have it folks.

Take these simple ways and use them. If you can use these above listed 6 ways in your business,  you will start seeing a positive change in your business. Just try to use them concurrently and be consistent, keep in mind that great things take time. Everything starts small, even nature teach us that. All we need to do is to stay focused, learn from our mistakes and never stop learning because nobody is perfect. Even a business doesn't just grow, it takes people behind it for it to grow.

If you do not just read these ways to grow your business but put them into action, i promise, you will see some positive changes to your business.


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Thanks for reading.


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Asiphile Qulu is an Entrepreneur, Author, Investor, and a Digital Marketer.

He is the Founder and CEO at Growit Marketing Consultants. He is an author of the two books, "The Power Of Digital Marketing" and "A Success Mindset"

He holds a National Diploma in Public Management which he obtained at Nelson Mandela University in South Africa.


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Posted by Buhlebemvelo on Apr 19, 2023
I love this article
— Growit MC
Posted by Gilbert on Mar 13, 2023
I always invest in me!
Posted by Lebogang on Mar 8, 2023
Great Article
Posted by Elias on Mar 7, 2023
Let me start developing relationships with my customers. Keep the content coming!
Posted by Andor on Mar 6, 2023
Nice and straight forward article. I will definitely apply them. We appreciate the great content.
Thank you
— Growit MC
Posted by Yolo on Mar 6, 2023
I love this article 👌
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